Thursday 8 December 2011

Money for Nothing

Posted on30 June 2011. Tags: affliage, blogging, CPA, digital information, making money online

The advent of the credit crunch and the worldwide recession has led to more and more people seeking to make money on the internet. The reason most people do this is because they are obviously short of money, so any money making methods need to be as cheap and easy to do as possible. The idea really is “money for nothing”. So let’s look at some ways you can get started in making some money right now without it costing you the earth.

The first method is to simply build a blog. The easiest way is to go to This is a site that allows you to set up a website and they take care of the hosting requirements. You can monetize this by using Google Adsense so that each time someone clicks on one of the adverts you get paid a small amount. The monies paid are not huge but if you can generate enough traffic to the site then this money will soon add up to a decent amount. Don’t forget that one of the best ways of increasing traffic is to ping your site each time you add new content. Try out our low cost automatic pinging service at

The second method is to use CPA – Cost per Action affiliate networking. This means that the objective is to get visitors to carry out a specific action such as filling in a short form or ordering a test product. It’s attractive because the visitor does not have to actually buy anything for you to be able to earn money.

The third method is to provide content, such as articles, for websites. There are many internet writers who earn a living by writing for websites. You can expect to earn anywhere between $0.01 and $0.05 per word for a typical article provided the standard of writing is of good quality. The number of websites increases daily and this means an increasing amount of opportunities for good writers to make a living.

The fourth method is to sell digital information online. It does not matter if the product is your own or you are an affiliate for someone else’s product, there is good money to be made.

The final method is to fill out surveys online. There are an increasing number of programs around which provide various surveys from companies looking to acquire information. You won’t make a fortune but the earnings can be surprisingly high for the amount of work involved.

View the original article here

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