Saturday 10 December 2011

Branding Yourself Online - 3 Exciting Tips Needed to Brand Yourself and Your Business

Starting a business online can be quite frightening without the proper means to get the word out and get it out quickly. Let's face it, branding yourself online may be the smartest marketing move you will ever make in the history of your career. Many probably would argue that leading with whatever company you are promoting is the best way to go, however I beg to differ. Leading with a company instead of your true authentic self is the same as selling, and majority of people in this world, especially on the internet don't like to be sold. So, forget about branding your company and focus on branding you as an individual. People don't join companies, they join people first and it would only be wise to "pep up" your identity so others will know and trust who you are as a person. Furthermore, here are 3 exciting tips needed to branding yourself along with your business:

1. Identify Yourself-- Make sure you have a website or websites with pictures of yourself all over them. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Be authentic. Let people know who you really are so they can better relate to you. Tell people about your history and where you came from, your hobbies, interest, etc. The key here is to just be you. Brand you and not your primary company. A great way to identify yourself online is to start Myspace Page about who you are and not about your business. Make your page stand out to your prospects leaving them no hint of bad vibes about you as a real person.

2. Eye Catching Content-- Content is king; I'm sure you heard that before because it's true. Content controls the central nervous system of your prospects. Relevant content creates action that makes a potential prospect pull out their wallet and join you in your venture. The best way to turn potential prospects off is to try to pitch them on joining your deal. Instead, offer free candy, free information, or free content that they can read. If you are able to trigger at least 3 of the 5 senses of a prospect like hear, touch, and sight with good content that your prospect, you are on the right track. Offer free PDF's, 800#s, or anything that veers away from selling. One thing I can promise you is when a potential prospect suspects you are trying to pitch them they will run away fast. Don't forget, you're in the sharing business, not the selling business.

3. Create Videos-- Taking advantage of social media is the "New Sexy" on the internet today. Tons of marketers are setting up their own broadcasting site at YouTube. What a dynamic way to express yourself live and in action than through a television type format. Rest assured, people will relate to you better if you're talking to them as they will be able to see your sincerity through your facial expressions.

Branding yourself in your company is something most marketers won't grasp until they realize not many people are following them. In order to have organizational architecture, which means having people follow you no matter what while duplicating your talents, you have to have the skills necessary to brand yourself effectively without pitching your business. Marketing boils down to others coming to trust you because of who you really are.

Ontarian Ke'Chan Hawkins is known as the Network Marketing Leads Expert He is a marketing coach and personal development coach that teaches online business owners how to become attractive and generate leads without paying for leads. He is graciously giving away his secret formula on how to do just that.

Free Report Will Show You How to Brand Yourself as a Network Marketer

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