Saturday 23 June 2012

How to Market Your Business Coaching Services

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An important part of business coaching is teaching clients to manage and market a business. For that reason, marketing is vital to your own success. Clients need to find business coaches and easily. After all, that is your specialty. If it takes potential clients hours to find your business online, they may question your ability to assist with their own marketing. How do you prevent this from happening? You familiarize yourself with ways to market your coaching service. So, what are your options?

The phonebook. When people need a service, most head to their local phone book. When looking to market a business or service, you should do the same. It will cost more money, but opt for a listing in the yellow pages or business directory section. Look at your phone book and find the best category for your service. It should be the “business services,” section or another related field.

When looking into phonebook listings, remember that not all individuals are familiar with business coaching. Invest money for a larger ad. It does not need to be full size, but have enough room to highlight the services offered. For example, state you can help businesses improve their profits with team-building, time management, and successful marketing tactics. If you live in or operate your business out of a small town, expand your listings to phonebooks for larger nearby communities too.

Business directories. Although many turn to their local phone book to find a business or service, many more turn to the internet. To capitalize on its popularity, use it. To get started, turn to online business directories. You can find them with a standard internet search and most search engines, like Yahoo, have built in directories. They allow internet users to search for a business, like yours, by city and state.

To add your listing to a business directory, contact the owner of the website. You may find an “Add a Business,” or “Contact Us,” link towards the bottom of the page. When creating your listing, provide as much detail as possible. Ideal keywords or tags to describe your services including, business coaching, business coaches, business services, and business help. Provide your name or the name of your business, address, phone number, email address, and website URL.

Create a website. Speaking of a website URL, you need to have one. Business directories enable you to reach a wide audience, but that audience is usually local. Remember, they enable internet users to search based on city and state. If you can offer services over-the-internet or over-the-phone or through travel, a website enables to you expand your reach.

When creating a website, realize the importance of a professional and easy-to-navigate website. If you need assistance, hire a professional web designer. As for website content, state what you do. Do not just list your title as a business coach; explain the process. Highlight who can benefit from your services, such as small to medium sized business owners. Go into detail explaining the services you offer, such as time management, marketing, and sales help. Explain how each of these services, when implemented, translate into increased sales.

Word of mouth. Small to medium sized business owners tend to turn to each other for help and advice. The internet makes it easy for these individual to connect by social networking websites and message boards. A small business owner who saw their profits increased due to your help is likely to spread the word. This will happen naturally, but why not provide an extra push? You can do so by offering a referral discount. Offer to refund a small percentage of the money a client paid, like 5% or 10% for each new paying client they refer.

Solicitation. With solicitation, it is important to proceed with caution. Some states and local governments have rules pertaining to door-to-door solicitation. If not an issue, head to those who need your services. Why wait for them to come to you?

With solicitation, you have many options. You can visit a small to medium sized business, speak with the owner or manager and explain your services. Leave behind literature explaining your business, such as your rates and the services offered. You can also mail these items to businesses in or around your area. To avoid outright solicitation, include a free product, such as a magnet bearing your company logo or a discount card for new clients.

This Post "How to Market Your Business Coaching Services" was Added by "James Reilly"

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Coaching – Is It Worth It?

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If you work as a business coach, it is your job to train and education business owners, operating managers, and all remaining employees. Running a successful and profitable business starts at the top and works its way down.

Your responsibilities, as a business coach, include getting your client to understand the important aspects of running a business, such as sales, marketing, communication, organization, and conflict resolution. This is an important job and you know this. But, there are some business owners who wonder if using the services of a business coach are worth it. It is also your job to convince them that it is.

You need to convince potential clients that your service is great and more than worth the money. This is nice to know, but how? Continue reading on for a few sample ideas.

You can do so with promotional brochures and free promotional items. Sending a pamphlet outlining your services and how they can increase sales is a great idea, but these brochures often just get thrown in the trash. Include more! Add a free magnet or pen with your company name, address, and phone number. People love and will use free stuff, so your name will get seen. The struggling business owner may literally be stressing about their future and glance over to see your logo in their office.

You can do so by offering discounts. Many of the business owners who use the services of a business coach are struggling. Some are barely staying afloat financially. They need to use their money wisely. Make it seem like they are getting a good deal. Offer a small, but meaningful discount on your services. Also, include extra bonuses in your package. Most business coaches hold training seminars. Include, as a bonus, free printed guides for each employee. These guides allow for later reference, long after your training session has ended.

You can do so by offering free consultations and assessments. As previously stated, most business owner who uses coaches are struggling. Unfortunately, some wait until they are in the red to seek help. Offer free consultations and assessments. Show the business owner or operating manager that they are heading down a dangerous path. Use their records to show what they can expect the next year if swift action is not taken. Then, go into great deal about how you can turn their business around. For example, you will teach that business owner the importance of local and internet marketing, and share unique marketing tactics with them.

You can do so by being a real person. Your job, as a business coach, is a professional one. It is important to stay professional, but business coaches work side-by-side their clients. You need to show these people that you are a real person, more than just a suit. Some struggling business owners fear seeking help because they are afraid that their ideas and actions will be dissected and criticized. Yes, this is your job, but always put a positive spin on things. When soliciting business, never blame a business owner. Comment that they did many great things, but a few simple improvements can do wonders.

In short, business coaching is a valuable service for all small, medium, and large companies. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way. For that reason, market yourself, get the word out, and encourage those in trouble to save their business and with your help.

This Post "Coaching – Is It Worth It?" was Submitted by "James Reilly"

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Conflict Resolution Coaching

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Do you have a business management degree or years of experience running a profitable small to medium sized business? If you are looking for a new career path or if you want to increase your moneymaking opportunities, business coaching is the way to go. Both a degree and on the job experience deems you qualified enough to teach others.

When offering your services as a business coach, there are many areas of business you need to consider. Marketing is the most common. Marketing enables the public to know about a company and the products or services they sell. Your step-by-step guide to running a successful and profitable business should include marketing, but don’t forget the smaller aspects. For example, conflict resolution.

Conflict is common in the workplace and it comes in many different formats. Coworkers have conflict with each other. Supervisors have conflict with their employees. Business owners and employees have conflicts with clients. Honestly, the list goes on and on. Although conflict is common in the workplace, it is unhealthy. It is your job to teach small business owners and their employees how to avoid workplace conflict and how to resolve it quickly and peacefully.

One of the best ways to teach your clients about conflict resolution is with role-playing. If hosting a seminar retraining employees, pick a couple from the group. Start with two employees playing themselves. This is very important. A disruptive workplace starts a chain reaction. Create the scenario where the two coworkers are supposed to be working jointly on a project, but only one is carrying their weight. Allow the two to attempt to resolve the problem themselves. Then, step in. Highlight the good choices and the bad. Then, coach these coworkers through a positive resolution. This involves calm voices, friendly tones, and no finger pointing.

Next, work on the conflict between supervisors and employees. If the business owner or manager is present you can use them for the exercise, but you may find little volunteers. If that is the case, select one or, once again, use two employees. Create the scenario that the boss is unhappy with the employee constantly showing up for work. Start with the supervisor. They need to calmly approach their employee and state their dissatisfaction. Do not blame or accuse. Next, the late arriving employee needs to explain him or herself. In this situation, it is best just to apologize for the delay and state it will not happen again. Excuses may lead to conflict.

Finally, role-play with a client and an employee. All businesses strive to please their clients, but no one is ever 100% happy. If the company you are working with is a retail store, use the example that a customer was double charged for a product. They arrive in the store the next day. There is little proof that they were overcharged. In this situation, many employees and managers try to get out of refunds. No business wants to lose or handout money, but think of the consequences. A happy customer tells their friends, but an unhappy customer tells anyone who will listen. Think long-term and about the company’s and employee’s reputation. Offer a refund or allow the customer to grab another of the product.

As previously stated, the best way to practice conflict resolution is with role-playing. Unfortunately, not all business coaches are able to meet with their clients face-to-face. In these instances, create literature for the business owner, supervisors, and employees to read. Make it clear, short, and easy to read.

Regardless of how you teach your clients about conflict resolution, always highlight the important points in the end. These include the consequences of conflict. They are an unhappy client or disruptions in the workplace that can start a chain reaction. Then restate the ways to avoid conflict, such as not placing blame, talking in a friendly tone, and addressing all issues as they arise and not later down the road.

This Article "Conflict Resolution Coaching" was Submitted by "James Reilly"

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Business Coaching From Home

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If you want to start a career as a business coach, you need to make an important decision. That decision is how you want to operate your business. Business coaches educate and train operating managers and business owners on the key components of running a successful and profitable business. These components are all the same, but there are many ways to teach them. What are your two best options?

1 – One-on-One Training

One-on-one training is when you work directly with your client. You consult with them via email, through the phone, or meet with them in person at their office. When working with small to medium sized business owners, your involvement starts at the top. You will then later want to work with all staff members. Remember, a good manager is important to a business, but that well-performing manager means nothing if their staff does not back them up with good results and speedy productivity.

One-on-one training has many benefits. For starters, you usually visit your client at their place of business. This gives you a lot of insight. Not all business suffer from the same problems. Some have a poor marketing plan, some have poor leadership, and others have organizational problems. Visiting your client in their place of business enables you to examine the situation. You can determine exactly what is going wrong. For example, a business with poor office organization, but a strong marketing plan, does not need marketing help. They need organizational help.

One-on-one training also allows you to show by example. In keeping with the above mentioned example of an unorganized office or sales floor, you can physically walk to the problem and point it out. Show the store manager that because a large display is in the middle of the aisle, it is difficult for customers to get a shopping cart through. You get better results when you show business owners and operating mangers how to make changes, not just tell them.

2 – Hosting Seminars

As a business coach, you also have the option to host seminars. This is when you choose a specific location, like a hotel conference room, take paying reservations, and hold a class. During this class, you will go over the key components of running a successful and profitable business. These components include marketing sales, time management, no workplace conflict, organization, and teamwork.

Hosting seminars is nice because it expands your profits. When working one-on-one, you work with one paying client at a time. When hosting a training seminar, the room can be filled with a hundred business owners. They all paid. In about the same amount of time or even less, you make more money! Unfortunately, those same business owners will take your class once and they will not need it again. To work in this aspect full-time, you will need to travel to teach seminars, targeting new business owners and managers each time.

As you can see, both one-on-one training and hosting seminars have their pros and cons. Which option should you choose? It depends on your personal preferences. Moreover, you do not need to choose. Why not offer them both as an option? On your website, list your ability to meet with clients one-on-one. Then, mention you occasionally host seminars. Host two or three a year. List these seminars on your website and cross promote.

This Article "Business Coaching From Home" was Submitted by "James Reilly"

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Get Coached

Hello, thanks for visiting Build My Online Income Website

Do you want to work as a business coach? If so, you have opted for a very potentially profitable career. With the struggling economy, many businesses are barely staying afloat financially. They need help from a professional and they need it now. That professional can be you.

When it comes to business coaching, you will find many similarities between sports coaching. In fact, if targeting the self-employed, home business owners and small business owners, you should use the analogy. Some know they need business help, but don’t actually know what a business coach is. Comparing business coaching with sports coaching is an easy way to make them understand.

As previously stated, business coaching and sports coaching are very similar. How?

Most sports are team sports. For example, there is football, baseball, basketball, and volleyball. One team member can have an amazing game, but overall the team can still lose. Everyone needs to work together to see success.

When coaching small to medium sized business owners, emphasize the importance of teamwork. Both offices and retail settings are in disarray when no one is on the same page. The workplace is likely hectic and unorganized. Poor teamwork also leads to troubling and disruptive workplace conflict. A good example is when two coworkers are working jointly on a project. One is pulling their weight and the other is slacking off. Conflict is likely.

As a business coach, do not just highlight the importance of teamwork. Show your clients teambuilding exercises, offer tips, and work hands on with the entire staff.

With basketball, the coaches call the plays. These plays have been gone over and practiced before. It isn’t the coach’s job to score a basket or stop the opposing team from scoring. It is up to the players to remember their training and practice drills. The same is true for business coaching.

When working with a client, don’t do all the work for them. This teaches them nothing. Show your clients how to do it themselves. For example, if your client has a poorly organized office, pickup a few items to show them how it is done. Then, make suggestions. Let them handle the rest. You gave your client a play, showed them how it was done, and let them score the point.

This leads to another similarity. Coaches not only watch their players score a basket. They analyze their actions and provide feedback. As a business coach, do the same. Use the above mentioned example of watching an office manager or owner organize their office. Once finished, point out what they did right, what they did wrong, and how they can make improvements, both now and in the long-term future.

With sports, coaches use practice and training to buildup strength and to practice play calls. You can and should do the same. With small to medium sized businesses, work with more than just the owner. Work with the entire team. Don’t just stand in front of the room and talk or handout reading material. You will lose their interest and quick. Instead, rely on fun exercises. To show peaceful ways to resolve conflict in the workplace, use role-playing and two volunteers.

As you can see, there are many similarities between business coaching and sport coaching. In fact, if you are new to the game and have yet to develop a business plan, look at sports. You can learn many successful tips on how to run a smooth, successful, and profitable coaching service.

This Blog Post "Get Coached" was Added by "James Reilly"

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Join Maximum Leverage Giveaway

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Hey Everyone

James here. Everyone knows that a Giveaway event is one  Of the best ways to add lots of subscribers to Your list.

Although they have all been pretty much the same…

NOW – Come Interact With one of the FIRST Interactive Giveaway & Networking events of 2012!


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Your Success
James Reilly

P.S. – Did I mention there is TONS of prizes, No matter what size email list you have you can win some prizes! Be sure to come and win some  :- )

And don’t worry…its  F’ree to join.. do it here:

This Blog Post "Join Maximum Leverage Giveaway" was Added by "James Reilly"

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Friday 22 June 2012

Business Coaching: Pros and Cons of Choosing a Niche

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If you want to make money working as a business coach, you have an important decision to make. That decision is who you want to help. It if is one group of individuals, such as small business owners, you have a niche. It is your specialty. Do you need to pick one? No, but it does have its pros and cons. What are they?

The Pros of Choosing a Business Coaching Niche

You can claim that you have a specialty. When opting for a niche in business coaching, it is important to choose an area you have familiarity with. For example, if you want to help those running struggling home based businesses, you should have home based business experience yourself. You are then able to call yourself a specialist. What is the importance of that? Say you want to lose weight, should you turn to a health food expert or someone who just shares easy-to-cook recipes? Your goal is to lose weight, so you opt for the health food expert. Your clients are thinking the same.

It is easier to stay up-to-date. When working as a business coach, you need to stay up-to-date and well-informed. The economy, internet marketing, and the way that consumers shop are all changing. They change often. For that reason, you can’t be a business coach and not update your schooling or stop learning new things. A niche allows you to spend less time and money doing so. For example, if your niche is home based businesses, stay updated on marketing tactics, laws, and so forth. You should not avoid, but don’t spend a lot of time or money researching corporate businesses; it isn’t your specialty.

You have a wide range of options. As previously stated, you should choose a business coaching niche that you have familiarity with. Luckily, this is easy. Should you hold a business management degree, you are qualified to help home based, large, small, and medium sized business owners. Your options are unlimited. The same is true for management experience. Do you have experience running a medium sized business? You are qualified to help the self-employed and those running both small and medium sized companies. When choosing a niche, pick your hearts desire, as you have many options.

The Cons of Choosing a Business Coaching Niche

You limit your moneymaking potential. By choosing a business coaching niche, you opt to work with a specific group of individuals. This is nice, as you are able to focus your attention, but there are cons to this approach too. The biggest is your limitations. If you focus on helping small business owners, a corporate company with headquarters right down the street could use your services. Since they aren’t your specialty, they will turn to someone else. This means you lose a potential client and profits.

When opting for a business niche, choose a profitable one. For example, right now, a lot of men and women want to work from home and start their own business. They want to be self-employed. This is a common dream; therefore, there is a bigger potential to make money. Choose your passion and a niche that you have experience in, but also go where the money is.

In short, there are many pros and cons to choosing a business niche. Always remember that nothing is set in stone. You can choose a niche or expand your reach at any point in time.

This Blog Post "Business Coaching: Pros and Cons of Choosing a Niche" was Submitted by "James Reilly"

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Have You Thought about Establishing a Source of Passive Income for Yourself?

You are here: Home > Income > Have You Thought about Establishing a Source of Passive Income for Yourself?

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Bring up investing amongst your buddies, and right away, they understand you're talking about spending for your retirement. A venture portfolio can easily be a great way to create and set up a passive income source, too.

If you are putting in for passive income degree, you need to obtain things that give you a predictable payout. You buy dividend-paying stocks so that you do not need to keep buying and supplying your ventures to make anything. You acquire bonds where you get dependable interest. Or you can buy annuities that supply you a routine payout every month.

How a lot do you need to put in to set up passive income for yourself that will in fact allow you to live from month to month? Well, if you invest in a $ 500 treasury bond, it'll barely keep you in beer with the month.

You'll need something like $ 200,000 bought bonds to make as much funds as you do working at an average job. If that seems a little too high for you, bear in mind that if you're little, you might have many years in which to place this together. You simply include in your capital over the years.

Passive income level is about 1st setting something up and then forgetting about it entirely while you collect a check every month. Normally, this suggests you need to spend in actually low-risk stuff.

Even if you set an annuity up, that can not be bulletproof, either. What if that annuity company should shut down? What if the companyyou've invested in should cease paying dividends out because its product is no longer in demand?

Basically, you need to set things up so that you truly comprehend what the hazards are. The most effective method to do that is to begin very early and to gradually accumulate a passive income profile while you watch precisely how anything behaves over the years.

Do it right, and you might start to appreciate an exceptional passive earnings to supplement just what you acquire every month, even as you work. It's a way to live that every person should examine.

Providing up putting in among your friends, and right away, they recognize you're speaking about putting in for your retirement. If you are spending for passive earnings, you need to spend in things that provide you a predictable payout. Or you can spend in annuities that provide you a regular payout every month.

You'll require something like $ 200,000 invested in bonds to make as much funds as you do working at a typical job.

This Article "Have You Thought about Establishing a Source of Passive Income for Yourself?" was Submitted by "James Reilly"

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Tips to Share with Coaching Clients

Hello, thanks for visiting Build My Online Income Website

Have you just started a business coaching service? If so, you should have a step-by-step guide for your clients. This guide will focus on the various components of running a successful business, including marketing, sales, conflict resolution, leadership development, organization, and communication. Your step-by-step guide will cover all of these topics and in great deal. However, there are some important points you need to make and stress. What are they?

You are just a business coach. Some business owners do not understand what a business coach is or expects them to do more. Explain that you are just like a football coach. You will teach your client and other team members plays. You will practice these plays with them and then watch them perform alone. At the end, you will provide feedback, just like a football coach does. Make sure your client knows that action is required on their part. You will not do all the work. Otherwise, everyone’s time is wasted.

All employees must be responsible for their actions and held accountable. You will see the biggest problems with small business owners. They have developed close relationships with their employees. They want a healthy workplace environment, so conflict is avoided. This is good, but many poor performing employees are able to slide under the radar. Everyone has excuses and sob stories; your client will have one too if they do not start turning their business around. Stress this point.

Management must handle poor performing employees. With small businesses, the company owner is typically the manager. They handle the day-to-day management tasks. With medium sized businesses, these tasks are delegated to trained professionals. In these instances, stress the important of management, accountability, and leadership development. Management should handle all poor performing employees, not let them get away with poor productivity and performance. Yes, this may involve letting someone go, but management must be trained in and know the importance of putting the company first.

Sales must increase. To make money, a business sells either a product or a service. To run a profitable business, sales must increase. Stress this importance to your client. Once again, you are a business coach, so feed them ideas. In a retail setting, encourage multiple sales and a knowledge staff; this should lead to increased profits. Also, focus on marketing. No one will buy a product or service if they do not know it exists. This is important for new business owners, as most mistakenly believe that if they have something for sale, people will automatically buy it. As a professional in business management, you know this is not true.

Cost must be lowered. Increased sales generate increased profits. With that said, it is important to look at the whole picture. Making $25 from the sale of a handmade toy is nice, but could that profit be higher? It can and should be. Stress the importance to your client of low operating costs. Plainly state it will increase business profits. Give them ideas to get started, watch, analyze, and provide suggestions. Make it known that you do not always have to use poor quality building materials or terminate employees to lower costs, there are additional ways.

There is a good chance that your step-by-step business coaching guide will cover all of these points. They are however, very important to running a successful and profitable business. Mention them again and again, until your client truly understands their importance.

This Article "Tips to Share with Coaching Clients" was Added by "James Reilly"

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Please Don’t Ignore This

Hi and Welcome to Build My Online Income Blog

The reason that I asked you to please NOT ignore this post is that it's very different from anything else in your inbox today.

You see, while most blogposts and emails that you get are trying to sell you something, I'm actually trying to give you something that will make a huge difference in your business.

This blogpost will save you time, money, and frustration.


In this post I'm inviting you to get access to lots of free resources.

One of those free resources is FIVE separate webinars that Willie Crawford is personally conducting, where he is going to teach you things that will actually help to grow your business.

These are things that are really the sum total of his 16 years of online marketing experience, plus the collective wisdom gained from networking with hundreds of industry experts.

Wille Crawford personally mastermind with many of the leading online marketers… on cruises, in private mastermind gatherings, and in private online meetings.

Willie gets approached everyday by tons of struggling online marketers and frankly, I'm very frustrated by it. I'm frustrated because I actually want to help but know that there is so much "noise" out there that you don't know who or what to listen to.

Yes, most of the people that you approach and ask for help are only going to try to sell you something.

So, I decided to actually give you help, 100% free. All that you need to do is go here and register:

As that URL indicates, I'm inviting you to tune into FIVE free webinars, where I'm going to personally teach you:

Website Traffic Generation SimplifiedHow To Actually Make More Affiliate SalesHow To Build A Bigger AND More Responsive ListHow To Get Powerful Results With Solo AdsHow To Actually Make More Sales Via Social Media

Those webinars are going to fill up, so I'm going to record them and GIVE the recordings to everyone who registers.  You'll be able to download the MP4 Video and/or the MP3 audio and study them as many times as you want.

I could easily sell this series of live training webinars for $497, and could also probably charge as much for the recordings.  

Willie Crawford does plan on going that in-depth during the training!

So, now you have a choice.

You can continue learning on your own, guessing at what works, and buying bad information…

or, you can learn what actually works from one of the most successful internet marketers around.

I think that you know what to do.  Go register here to access it all, including the five free live webinars:

You do want to be on the live webinars if possible so that you can ask YOUR questions.

Go register here now and I'll see you on the inside:

This Blog Post "Please Don’t Ignore This" was Added by "James Reilly"

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