Monday 12 December 2011

Connecting With People Online - How Branding Yourself Helps You Become a Successful Leader

Connecting with people online and giving solutions to their problems gets you noticed. It gets you personal growth too! Your personal development is how branding yourself helps you become a successful leader. By being a leader who gives of yourself in ways that help people find solutions, you are branding yourself with those solutions. When value is given, a relationship begins to form. That relationship is part of what it means to be branding yourself.

When we give away valuable information people find us faster! That means branding yourself faster. Consider how you can solve people's problems with your expertise. Begin to bundle that into pieces of information you place online. As you begin to place more and more "out there" online, you will help more and more people. When you solve a problem for someone who came to the internet seeking a solution, you are connecting with people online and branding yourself. You are also building relationships.

Business is about relationships. The power of the internet is that you can create relationships automatically by depositing value that leads to connecting with people online. The internet delivers your value when someone asks for it. As you turn up with information that provides solutions for a growing number of people it begins to matter that you are branding yourself. Connecting with people online through value sets in play relationships we do not know exist until they contact us. Your information attracts people to you by this way of branding yourself.

One way to give away value is by sharing information. The value connects us with the seeker and with their solution. Essentially, the internet has created a global village library. I mean this in the sense that anyone, anywhere in the world, who is looking for information that you can provide, can find that information from you. When you place your information on the internet, you write wherever "here" may be for you. You obtain information wherever "here" may be for you. You are branding yourself whenever someone else accesses your expertise and get value, even solutions they are seeking "now."

Your "here" their "now" means:

1. Save your information as a deposit

2. Save ways of finding your information

3. Let anyone, anywhere ask for your information

4. Find your information "matches"

5. Show a wide range of choices of answers

6. Allow anyone to choose your information

7. Present your information

So in connecting with people online as a way of branding yourself, you turn the internet into a global village library that eliminates time and distance.


1. You write "now" whenever now is for you.

2. Others get instant access "now" whenever now is for them.


1. You write "here" wherever here may be for you.

2. You deposit our gift with the global village library from "here" for you.

3. Anyone, anywhere uses your gift from "here" wherever here may be.

In fact, you create group of people who like and trust you. When people like and trust us they tend to buy from us when we have what they want. When this happens? That's branding! In this scene you are branding yourself rather than your products.

People who like and trust us enjoy giving referrals to us. This happens for a number of reasons, including that they:

1. Trust us not to injure.

2. Trust us to be helpful.

3. Trust their reputation in our hands.

4. They like us.

5. They want to help us, too!

Everyone benefits! Connecting with people online and giving solutions to their problems is how you grow and how branding yourself helps you become a successful leader.

Do you want to learn more about connecting with people online?

If so, get my free ebook for business owners right now.

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