Friday 23 December 2011

Debunking the 5 Myths of Life Coaching

You have probably heard about Life Coaching one way or another - and are still confused about what it really is and how it works Rightfully so - the profession has really only been around for the past 20 years and is gaining traction in the corporate and professional world. It can be compared to chiropractic, acupuncture and other holistic modalities which are only now fully accepted by the mainstream. Like these alternative therapies and other up and coming professions, there are a few myths that surround Life Coaching as it continues to make headway in the collective consciousness. In fact, I believe Coaching is on the tipping point in cracking the mainstream, and here's why it will make considerable waves once it does.

Myth #1 - Life Coaching is like Therapy.

There is a common belief that Coaching is another form of psychotherapy. Coaching grew out of Organizational Development and has evolved since its inception. The main difference between therapy and Coaching has to do with the time period they focus on. Where therapy deals with a person's past issues, experiences and behaviors, Coaching is more future focused. Coaching enables the client to get into action towards their future self. By setting goals, creating accountability and looking at the client's bigger picture agenda, clients moves quickly forward towards what they really want to create in their lives. And unlike therapy, Coaching is done primarily over the phone. Most people question how that could work, but it does!

Myth #2 - Life Coaching is not a real profession.

There are many people who don't know that there are schools, professional programs, credentialing, and even an association that oversees the Coaching profession. The International Coaches Federation is a global organization that exists solely to set high standards for Coaching by providing a code of ethics, research and credentialing standards to continue to develop the profession. More and more, businesses and individuals are looking for Coaches to be professionally certified and have proper credentialing which helps develop credibility and trust in the profession.

Myth #3 - Life Coaches give advice, instruct or "fix" things.

Many believe that Life Coaches have all the answers - and they can somehow magically "fix" lives. The truth is - you are the only expert on YOUR life. The Co-Active style of Coaching holds the belief that clients are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole and that they are capable of facing the challenges in their lives. So if you're paying a Coach and they seem to be giving you tips or advice on what to do with your life, be wary! Nobody should tell you what to do with your life, and are only doing you a disservice if they pretend they know what's right for you.

Myth #4 - Life Coaching is only for executives or celebrities.

While there many executive Coaches out there that work primarily with business executives and organizations, or Coaches that work with celebrities like Oprah - they aren't off limits to regular people wanting change in their lives. More than ever, Coaching is becoming more affordable and available. You can find Coaches that are in a particular niche that fit your needs. Try doing a search on websites like The Coaches Training Institute or the ICF for professional, credentialed Coaches.

Myth #5 - Life Coaching is "woo woo" and based on spirituality.

Some people think Coaching is very "California" - and that it's based on some sort of spiritual teaching. Although there is a spiritual aspect to Coaching, it isn't based on The Secret. Coaching gives clients very specific tools to empower them to their full potential. By staying curious, and holding the clients agenda, Coaches allow for life-changing personal development to occur over a period of time. Strengthening the mind-body-spirit connection is usually a by-product of Coaching, and only happens if the client is willing and motivated to look deep and get curious about his or her own life. Sometimes it is like magic!

So there you have it - the 5 big myths of Life Coaching officially debunked! If you have considered Life Coaching or were wondering what it is, hopefully you have a better idea! And if you still have questions, the best way to learn more is by giving it a try. You might be surprised with the results.

To find out more, contact
or go to

Monique Svazlian is a Professional Life Coach trained through The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and she is also a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also a solo-entrepreneur having founded Highest Path Coaching where she offers her services to individuals and organizations. Monique has extensive experience in the corporate and non-profit sectors and specializes in working with women leaders to empower them in work and life. You can find out more about Highest Path Coaching at or email her at

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