Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Best Way to Build Backlinks - A List of 36 Sites to Get Backlinks

Every webmaster can understand the meaning of backlinks. We need backlinks to rank our sites higher in Google and other search engines. Search engines count the number of backlinks for a web page and assign a rank to it in in search results.

Hence, every webmaster always look to get as many backlinks as possible.

In this article I explained few free methods of getting links.

a. Giveaway your docs: Take 5 - 6 articles of yours that are related, convert them into a pdf. Submit the pdf in the below sites for free with a link to your site.








b. Submit your pdf in torrent sites: Submit your pdf in torrent sites with a link back to your site. There are number of torrent sites which accepts ebooks. All you have to do is create an account, create a torrent file and upload. Here are few sites you can upload.












c. Ning communities: Do you know that there are hundreds of ning communities in almost any niche with thousands of members? Once you create an account in these sites, you can participate in forum discussions, submit articles, upload videos etc.. Whatever you do, just put a link back to your site. That's it! Here are few sites you can use if you belong to IM niche.







d. Forums: People always consider forums as only a discussion board. But few forums act as good backlink sources. Put a link to your site in the signature of your account.

e. Download Sites: Take your pdf, convert into an exe file using a free software called "websitezippacker". Submit the exe file in the below sites. This way you can quickly get PR4+ links. Well, there are many download sites but the below sites are the best.













f. Blogs: Blog commenting is an old technique which still works. Here is a list of 1200 do-follow blogs where you can comment to a blog post with a link back to your site. Check it out [http://rishabhsood.net/Do-Follow%20Blog%20List.htm]

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Next, If you are new to online marketing and looking to drive traffic to your site, here is my free report on driving 100+ traffic per day using unique keyword selection process.

Running A Home Business

Many people start home businesses for a variety of reasons. These reasons may include joblessness, being unhappy at work, entrepreneurship, wanting more time to spend at home with children or elderly parents, or simply put, freedom.

However, a key point to take note of before starting a home business is to be realistic about the whole idea. There are too many claims of home business opportunities that purport to being able to make you quick money. But truth is, it usually takes at least a year before any profits start coming in.

You will need a lot of passion for your home business idea. If you do not love your business idea, you are not likely to succeed. You need to have lots of self-motivation. There will not be any colleagues to encourage you, or help you along the way. You will need to push yourself to get things done.

You will need to have absolute independence. There will not be anyone around to help with making decisions, or someone to clear up any messes that occur. You will have to clean up everything, and make all your own decisions. There will not be anyone to help with the responsibility.

Since most home businesses are, at a most basic level, service oriented, you will need to have interpersonal skills. Your interactions with your customers will make the difference in whether your business succeeds or not.

Spend time as much time as possible researching your business idea; ascertain, for sure, that your product or service will be needed. Join communities exclusively for businesses (e.g. Apsense.com) and read through what the communities say. You might get invaluable insight as to what is actually workable and what is not. Post advertisements in popular websites providing free classifieds (e.g. Ablewise.com) and let the world know about your product or service.

Lastly, nothing in life is guaranteed of success. But it is essential to have a never-say-die spirit. If at first you do not succeed, do more research, and try again. I wish you all the best in your home business venture.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Dean currently works in an IT firm, and writes short articles for leisure.

When You Build It They Will Come - A Personal Story

I started blogging back in 2004, when I was in my first year of doing commercial radio. I had no idea what I was doing. I was looking for software that had a calendar and a way to publish my radio shows on the Internet.

I didn’t know anything about the different blogging software either, that was available on the market at the time.

When I did a search on Google only a few blogging software vendors came up, so I picked Radio UserLand, yes you guessed it right, because it had the name “radio” in it (interesting selection criteria by a coach and prior consultant).

I ended up using it like a journal because to do anything else, like even putting my radio studio picture on my blog, I had to know programming code. I do speak several languages, but computer language isn’t one of them. It has become a very frustrating experience so when my commercial radio days came to a temporary end, I stopped using the blog and never thought about it again.

Truly, I haven’t thought about blogging until early this year, when I have chosen to go into full time coaching. I have closed my escape hatch to other work and other opportunities. I did some research and reading about Web 2.0, what it was all about and what a powerful tool it could become for my coaching business. My goal was to become an authority on providing life coaching for Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and Investors.

Co-incidentally ( there are no co-incidences) about the same time my Web-site hosting vendor came out with a new release and decided to offer the WordPress (sign-up for a Free account) blogging software for free as part of my package. I have already read and heard about WordPress as one of the best blogging software out here during my research. For no other reason then, thousands of programmers choose it to write mini programs for it called “plug-ins” to make it user friendly for someone like me. Based on my previous experience, that’s all I need it to hear. I wrote a few posts about coaching and personal development in my new blog called Real Coaching Moment, but it didn’t open the floodgates to fame and fortune, like I first thought it would, lol.

So, I begun to view my new blog as a separate entity from all of my other business ventures and it really become clear to me that this is the vehicle, which by I want to let the world know who I am, what I’m about and to begin to develop relationships and friendships on the Internet. Making money and becoming famous went on the back-burner.

Now, that I had a clear plan, this is what I begun to do with my blog after all the research that I have done. I needed to create a buzz about me as the local, regional and national Life Coach Authority on my own personal main blog. I further needed to create high rankings on search engine sites, submit a lot of relevant content, make comments on related blogs and even create a buzz group within my own industry.

So, here is my Main Blog [http://006b886.netsolhost.com/coachingmoment] that is quickly becoming a Coaching & Personal Development Authority Site. Keep in mind that I have enabled my Blog in April and started to work on this project seriously in the beginning of June, my traffic has increased 20 times within a 30 day period.

This experience of learning how to build an effective Web-site was very similar to when I first learned English, when I first learned how to drive a stick shift, when I first sat in the radio studio overwhelmed by all the buttons computer and TV screens. Awkward at first, but with a little persistence I got the hang of it.

To day, I have friendships that are blossoming in France, Spain, Canada, Hungary, England and the USA. I’m creating friendships at social sites like; ActiveRain, WannaNetwork, Point2, Apsense, Ojeez and others.

I’m experiencing true freedom unlike anything I have ever thought was even remotely possible, when I was still living in a communist country. Back then, we would not dare to share our thoughts, feelings or opinions even with our relatives or neighbors. To be able to share myself, having daily conversations and connecting with people are priceless to me.

I’m just a coach, like you are a Realtor, Mortgage Broker or whatever profession you happen to be in. If I can do it-you can do it.

I am committed to make a positive impact on the World and the way I do it is one person at a time, beginning with me and you.

To Your Success,

Coach Steve

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Mr. Toth has over eight years of residential, commercial and investment banking experience.

He started the Real Estate and Mortgage Focus Radio Show in early 2004 on 630KHOW Denver's Talk Station to educate the public about real estate, finance and coaching. He became known as a real estate and finance area expert and someone who networks at a high level within the industry.

In 2006 Steve M Toth, ?The Mortgage Guy?-Radio Show Host on Live365 expanded the ?Real Estate and Mortgage Focus®? Radio Show Program into a national show on Live365- the World?s Largest National Internet Radio Network.

In 2003 he started a coaching practice called Real-Coaching? to provide coaching programs and consulting services that dramatically enhance individual and team performance in the areas of Sales, Motivation, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and Life Balance Management Skills for Realtors, Investors and Mortgage Professionals.

Small Business Networking and Exposure

Here is a short (relatively) list of some online networking sites for business exposure that I have found and/or tried:

Increase your business exposure - some of these sites are very easy to set up and they will show up in the Search Engine results as well ... increasing your business visibility.

1) Yahoo Groups

Create a group ... or find one to join ... post your business ... find one ... etc.

2) Google Groups

Create a group ... or find one to join ... post your business ... find one ... etc.

3) Craigslist

Besides posting local classifieds in the small biz ads section, you can post in the events section if you have a local or online meeting, and the services section that corresponds to what your business is about. Pay close attention to the posting rules as multiple ads in multiple cities, etc. will get you banned.

4) Merchant Circle

An online business "yellow pages" type of listing with information about your business and the ability to network with fellow business owners in your area. You can create ads that point to your website and the more people you network with or invite to join ... your ads will be shown on their business pages as well ... increasing your exposure.

5) Apsense

Business social networking site. This one you can earn some cash for signing up others and networking with them. Blogs, business centers, groups, discussions, etc. Business centers are fully functional websites that you could use to point people to for your business.

6) Ryze

More business networking. Best feature I've found here is the sheer volume of networking groups geared towards home business opportunities.

7) Jobvertise

Post your business opportunities for free ... search resumes that job (and opportunity) seekers have posted.

8) Insider Pages

Hometown yellow pages, reviews, offer a coupon online for your business, etc.

9) Yahoo Local

Local business directory, reviews, maps, events, etc.

10) Google Local

Local business directory, reviews, maps, events, etc. Add your business to Google Maps!!

That should be enough to get you started!!

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Raymond Birdsell


7 Essential Elements of a Business Social Media Networking Strategy

With the rapid proliferation of social media networks and social media tools having a social media networking plan is the key to using them effectively.  A social media networking plan empowers to you simplify your social networking efforts by aligning your social networks with your business goals. A social networking plan will also help you track results - so you can see how effective each network is in achieving your business goals and, if necessary, try other networks. That way you don't waste time in a social network if it is not meeting your identified goals.

Here are 7 essential elements of an effective social media networking plan.

1. Establish your social networking goals

Hint: Being on the popular social media networking sites because everyone else is on them and you feel left out isn't a goal. Everyone knows about Twitter, Linked In and Facebook however these are not the only social networks there are.

Is your goal to raise awareness of your brand? Promote your products? Develop leads? Share your expertise? Network with like-minded people? Get referrals? Then choose a social network that matches that goal and you will get greater success than simply choosing one at random. Your goals should be business goals. Articulate them and write them down. Statistics say that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. It's no different in social media networking.

2. Choose your social networking sites carefully

Since there are literally hundreds of social networking sites you will need to do some experimentation to find what fits your business goals. Twitter, Facebook and Linked In are the most well-known (with Twitter being the site of the hour), and while they are excellent sites they are not the only social networking sites by a long shot.

Sticking with just with just these three may mean you are on the popular sites; however take care you're not missing out on other or additional business networking opportunities.  For example, while building relationships is the bedrock of doing business online or off, some business social networking sites are more open to promotion alongside relationship building while others frown on or prohibit product or service promotion in various degrees.

Here are some business social networking sites worth checking out. For links see my blog post called "There's more to Social Networking than Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn" where you'll see I mention Biznik too.

Apsense.com: Promote products and sites on your business profile and get paid revenue for referrals

Entrepreneur Connect.com: Promote your business on Entrepreneur Magazine's own social network

FastPitchNetworking.com: Take advantage of email marketing and virtual tradeshows

GoBigNetworking.com is a start up community focused on finding expert advice and funding

Marzar.com: Great for businesses, entrepreneurs and professionals to promote their products, services and discover new business relationships and opportunities, find suppliers and stay abreast of new developments

Konnects.com: Are you in the newspaper and magazine industry? This is worth checking out

Xing.com: Create your own subject specific social network

Once you've a feel for some of the business social networks out there choose a limited number in which to participate. It's almost impossible to be fully active in more than three at a time.

3. Decide on your ideal contacts

Who are you looking for?  While you may have hundreds of contacts, if you decide who you want to reach out to and make deeper connections with up front your social networking will be more effective. Are you looking for corporate executives, authors, writers, recruiters? Be clear about who you want to connect with, because that will determine how you connect with them. Focus on finding like-mined people who share your goals and match your target market. Be selective rather than accepting every invite that comes your way.

4. Participate consistently

Once you've chosen your social networks, participate regularly by contributing valuable content, sharing your expertise, answering questions, listening and making new connections. You should also show how you can meet an identified need. Drive traffic back to your own sites by including your signature, site and blog links in your posts, articles, videos etc.

5. Plan your time for social networking

It's important to allocate your time for participation in social networks up-front and this is where having a social networking plan will help. Many businesses jump in with no real plan, find other things take priority and quickly get overwhelmed with the amount of time it takes to participate fully.  Be patient and develop a strong focused network that supports your business goals.

6. Track and measure your results

Small businesses suffer from a lack of time because they are doing everything themselves. Invest time in building solid relationships, but make sure these are relationships that move you towards your goals. If you've set success measures for your social networking from the outset you can track how successful you are in meeting them and make changes accordingly. Success measures could be, for example, the number of referrals received, number of times your free offer has been downloaded, number of leads obtained, or followed up, sign-ups to your e-zine or similar. While getting traffic to your blog or site is good, you must tie what you are doing into your financial goals and plan.

7. Review your plan at intervals

How are you maximizing your time on your business social networks?  Are your chosen networks still relevant to your goals 2-3 months later? How does your activity translate into those goals? Do you need to try another network? Review your social networking plan and tweak it as necessary.

In summary

1. Establish your business social networking goals

2. Choose your social networking sites according to those goals

3. Decide on your ideal contacts

4. Participate fully and consistently

5. Plan your time for social networking

6. Measure your results

7. Review your plan at intervals and make changes where necessary.

Follow this 7-step plan and you're likely to have a more focused business social networking experience.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Nicky Jameson is a results-oriented social media copywriter and marketer who helps businesses create powerful copy that sells. Grab her complimentary Social Media Copywriting report for social media copywriting tips. Or sign up for her Social Media Ezine

How and Where to Find Leads and Prospects For Your MLM

Finding Prospects for your MLM is one of the most important factors in the growth of your business as well as probably the toughest without a proper marketing plan. You can find yourself spending lots of money purchasing obsolete leads and advertisement. However marketing your business is necessary because if no one knows about your business how will they ever become your customer, send your referrals, or become a business partner? Here are 5 simple ways to effectively market your business and find great prospects without coming out too much in your pocket.

1 Carry your company everywhere- When you wear something like a lapel, pin, ball cap, bracelet, T-shirt representing your business, prospects can't help but to ask "What is it"? Those are great for ice breakers. You essentially become a walking advertisement. If you are in the weight loss business, wear a T-Shirt that says "lose weight in ____ of days, ask me how" or "Get paid when someone uses the phone" if you are in the telecommunication business. There are many more great examples out there such as "Fire your boss, ask me how". These are very catchy and will spark up curiosity. Also, always carry your products with you if it's not too much trouble. At least have them somewhere accessible such as in your vehicle. You never know when that moment can be when you'll need it. If you are in the nutritional juice or water industry it is highly important you carry some with you. Potential business partners and customers want to see, feel, touch, taste, and smell your product rather than just hear about it.

2. Get in the Playing field! You can't score and win if you're sitting at home in front of your computer aka the bench. The fact is that network marketing involves people and when you deal with people, you deal with relationships. Your products work the same way you do. People don't want to just see a picture about your or hear about you, they want the real thing! They want to relate to you and having a relationship is highly critical. You are your best product in this business. Don't wait for them to come to you, go out and attend mixers, networking events, Chamber of Commerce meetings, malls, stores, church functions, parks, social gatherings, and anywhere where you are positioned to strike a conversation. Anything involving businesses are typically ideal because the professionals that attend are already business minded or have some sort of network they can share. Get online and find some that are free or around your budget. If you can't find one, then create one by finding like minded people that share your vision about creating a mastermind social networking group.

3. Put on your work shoes. It's called net-work for a reason so get your best work shoes and go door to door or business to business and share some information. Remember, you're not necessarily selling your products because soliciting may not be allowed. You are there to share some information about the opportunity or invitation to your guest event! Create a simple but professional looking flyer and start sharing and inviting! Your success relies on the volume! Another method is the increasing popular sizzle cards and along with the 800 number and call capcha. When you drop off or hand sizzle cards, anyone calling the automated number will automatically show up on your email with their information. That filters out who is actually serious about your opportunity minimizing pressure from your family and friends. Drop sizzle cards off where your target market are most likely to be hanging out such as Starbucks, bathrooms of expensive restaurants, ATMs, Barnes & Nobles, Borders, local grocery stores, bulletin boards, etc

4. The internet market- This is the Y generation so get with the trend and harness the power of the worldwide web. Create a simple 5 minute video of you and the business you are representing! A great source is YouTube. Sign up for free blogs such as blogger.com and wordpress.com which can generate heavy traffic your way. A great advantage with blogging is they get to see the personal side of your business as you build followers! You also look like an expert in your field too. Other great sources are social networking sites such as LinkedIn, APsense, ecademy, Facebook, Constantcontact, Squidoo, and Twitter! Post ads on Craigslist and other free advertisement sites. the concept of viral marketing is also very useful but be very careful not to spam. When you send a joke or comment to your family and friends, close it with your business pitch in it because they have the potential to pass it around to their friends and so on, thus advertising your company the whole time, maximizing exposure!

5. If all else fails pick up the phone! That's right! Call old contacts for leads and referrals! They might not be interested in the business but that doesn't mean they don't know people that are! Another benefit to that is it could be a reintroduction to your business and refreshen their memory about that opportunity all over again. Also, call your clients and existing customers and ask if they know anyone that can benefit as well! Asking is absolutely free! You have nothing to lose with asking.

Utilize these and experience results! Blessings and success to your business

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Hercules Cummings
ACN independent rep

Seven Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online

Many people want to know how to make money online, mainly because it lets them work from home, but mainly because it would give them a secondary source of income. A second source of income could allow them to break out of a cycle of debt and finally grow their savings. This is especially an excellent way for retirees to get reengaged into the work world but only on a part-time basis. This kind of thing isn't taught in schools yet, and making money on the Internet is so new that it isn't something that most people have been exposed to. The following offers seven legitimate ways to make money online and in your own home.

Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing, simply put, involves allowing a service or series of services to advertise on your website. Naturally, this will require you to build a quality website that will attract the right kind of clients, meaning you'll need to learn web design skills. The great thing here is that you can make a website that relates to your biggest interests, so you'll be inspired to develop it and continue to update your site. Successful websites can make up to one-thousand dollars a month, which can supplement your income quite nicely. One key thing to learn is how to get traffic to your site. This can be done by letting people know about your website by blogging on related websites, and posting your articles on free article websites like EzineArticles and Squidoo. On Squidoo, you can actually create your own web page which they call "lenses" in which you can advertise your products or add affiliate links to other product websites. These two sites have wide exposure and are very Google friendly. One thing that I recommend is if you want the industry standard website software that is actually free and provided by most web hosts, please consider using WordPress. WordPress is advertised as a Blogging Software, however it can just as easily be used to created Static Page Websites.
Web Design: Working as a web designer can also be done at home. A web designer will have different skills and disciplines which are used in the production and maintenance of websites. There are plenty of tools freely available online for designers who don't have the technical know-how to do so. Online forums such as Digital Point can help you find someone who needs your work. You can go with a very expensive design software like Dreamweaver®, or use iweb for the MacIntosh, Web Design 5.0 or just use the free software which I recommend WordPress. With WordPress you can start with countless free (or pay for premium) themes and modify them to suit yourself or your client.
Selling Various Things Online: Ebay and Craigslist are two of the most popular options, but only because you can sell almost anything on those websites. Other options exist, such as selling photos for use as stock photography.
Buy and Sell Domain Names: This requires a little more tech savvy than the previous three options, but is no less profitable. The right domain name means a lot to a website, as it can be the difference between a visitor hitting it or skipping it. You can make money off domain names by purchasing them when they are low in demand and selling them to potential webmasters who want to use it for their website. Naturally, this takes more time and patience, but you can make some real money if you stumble upon a much desired domain name.
Article Writing: Websites want quality content for use with affiliate marketing, so if you're not inclined to make a website, you can instead create content for them to use. On average, if you can find the right buyer or website, you could make up to fifty dollars every five hundred words. If you're good enough, you could even write E-books. With the advent of digital distribution, this is becoming a better idea by the day. Some websites examples that offer this service are Constant-Content and Content Development Pros.
Online Freelance Outsourcing Work: People are always looking for a good worker, and sites such as oDesk and eLance can help you find them. Businesses and individuals are looking to hire everything, from writers, to web designers, to video editors. Some people will also hire online virtual assistants. If you have a skill you can use on a computer, someone is probably willing to hire you for it.
Social Networking: Several legitimate businesses just need a strong start to get the ball rolling, and they're willing to pay people to make their site look busy or to organically spread news about them by word of mouth. Two of the many websites that can help you find social networking work are SideTick and Apsense.

Making money online is not as difficult as it may seem, but it also isn't a shortcut to easy extra cash. You'll still need to work at it and develop a few extra skills along the way. However, it remains a profitable option for people who have the energy and ability to utilize the Internet to its fullest potential.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

John Moorhead is a retired Aerospace Engineer currently enjoying life as a husband, golfer, vacationer and website owner. After fully retiring, I saw the need for an online website for those planning to retire and current retirees to be able to conveniently access resources online to make better decisions for their future. We provide information in the form of articles, books, ebooks, video, advice and etc for your access.

Please visit our website at: http://www.retirementresourcesonline.com

Monday 10 September 2012

Social Communities and Search Engine Optimization

Social communities on the internet are an excellent way to maximize SEO on your business website. There are a number of them on the internet including MySpace, Face book, among others. Social Communities are currently experiencing yearly growth of around 89%. The growth is so amazing that many of these are now becoming 'targeted' social communities, such as Apsense and Direct Matches. The problem is however, many people are still confused on how to use these websites to their advantage. Many would be online entrepreneurs join these websites and begin mass emailing, and posting bulletins. While these approaches help, they do nothing to help with website SEO.

In any social community, the online marketer's best friend should be the comment section on their friend's profiles. These comments sections allow for the inclusion of HTML, and outward links, and are perfect for building back links to your business website. By adding a banner or a text URL link into the comment section of your friend's profile, you have another back link which will be registered at the search engine the next time the search engine spider crawls the site. By posting comments on all your friends profiles and leaving your link everywhere you can, you maximize your chance for high rankings in the search engine.

Tons of back links is how SEO experts get ranked high in the search engine. Even when searching for affiliate websites, some are ranked much higher then others. The difference being location and number of back links. Knowledge of how the search engines determine placement and ranking definitely helps, but a big part of the equation is how important other sites think you are. If there are a ton of links back to your site from MySpace, Face book etc, your website will be indexed much higher.

Audio in these work extremely well, and will help your conversions. So many people market on these by sending emails and personal text messages. It happens so often that this advertising method has lost a lot of its effect. By recording a personal audio message and sending it in your email, you add a personal touch and connect with your potential prospect. There are plenty of audio and podcasting providers on the internet, you can even create the audios and host them yourself on your webpage. The idea is to make your marketing efforts 'differ' from your competition. The more unique you are in your marketing approach, the higher your response rate will be.

Social networks or web 2.0 networks are great places to start building business and branding yourself as a professional in your particular niche. Building a list on a social community is relatively easy, and you are able to expose people to your product or opportunity much faster then you would be able to with any other advertising method. Utilizing social communities is definitely an advertising technique that should not be overlooked.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website here http://www.streamline4riches.com

The Role of Internet Phone to Customers

Everybody knows that there are lots of ways in using the internet. Their primary role is to grant them access to the world-wide web which they can interact with other local and international users. Usually, we can communicate with each other on the internet through the use of instant messaging and social networking. Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, Windows Live, AIM and Jabber are some of the best instant messaging platforms today. When it comes to instant messaging, we can chat with our contacts who are in online status. They are commonly used for communication, but in an innovative way. On the other hand, social networks are those websites that allows people to make friends with each other in a community site. Some of the best social networks for us to make friends are Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, Tagged, Perfspot and Apsense. As a member of the social network community, you are allowed to invite friends, upload photos and videos, and even play flash games. Through these features, it is very easy to make friends with other members when treated very well. But there is one thing that we can communicate with each other using the internet. We are talking about an innovative feature called cable internet phone.

A cable internet phone is one communication device which we can call to our recipients in the internet. One of the best platforms to perform internet calls is Skype. Not only Skype acts as a simple instant messaging platform, but also it allows us to call them for real. Unlike regular home phones, cable internet phones will only require you to use a headphone with microphone. The purpose of your headphone is to hear the voice of your caller, and the microphone allows your caller to hear your voice. In the United States, cable TV providers are not just sticking to one service. Aside from rendering services on cable television alone, they also provide broadband internet, digital and internet phone for additional source of income. Although they are allowed to call someone using the internet, but it is not always free. They need to buy credits from their respective provider in order to make calls from your contacts in the internet.

It's either they will buy credits through credit card or prepaid cards provided by their cable service provider. Prepaid cards have their own amounts set for the number of credits used by the customer. When they purchased prepaid cards, they must be aware of its expiration period. It means that customers must consume all the credits given by their prepaid card, depend on the number of days allowed by the system. The role of a cable internet phone to customers is to become a perfect alternative home phone. Just in case if our home phone has problems on their system, the internet phone will always be a good backup to it. Everyone needs at least one communication device like home and mobile phones, because it is very important to communicate with each other for problems, inquiries or emergencies. Although its only optional to subscribe with a cable internet phone, but it is a great help for all of us.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

If you are interested about internet phone, kindly check our cable internet phone deals in your area to become satisfied.

Making Easy Money Strategies

Do you long to earn a decent residual income? Many work for long hours and still find it hard to comfortably pay their monthly bills or spend time with their families. On the other hand there are people earning easy money and gaining great satisfaction and financial freedom. If you dig deeper you'll learn that these people have sacrificed time and money to build their online businesses.

I believe that it's possible to achieve success in this current economic squeeze. The world has suddenly become a small global village since the invention of the internet. Billions of people visit the World Wide Web seeking for information on various issues like where to invest. It's then paramount that you research on what people are looking for on the internet and find out how to address their needs.

To make easy money take advantage of the influx of people to the internet by providing them with quality products and services. People seek to start-up businesses hence study on ways you can help them initiate small businesses online. Grab this opportunity to introduce your online business programs.

In order to make money online you'll also need to find ways of generating traffic to your website. Read business eBooks and magazines that offer advice on modern marketing strategies. This will also give you an edge over your competitors.

Business networking is also a perfect way of making business connections. Join business groups like Apsense.com and introduce your online business. Making money online can be easy if approached with tact. Remember nothing comes easy but with determination, patience and sacrifice you'll definitely start making money online.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Learn the fundamentals of internet business. Website: Make Money Online [http://moneymakingsecret07.blogspot.com].

Getting Website Traffic Free

Is getting website traffic free the best answer? Is getting free website traffic the best choice for optimized traffic? The answer to both questions is an undeniable. Maybe.

Probably not the answer you were hoping for.
I bet you really wanted a simple yes or no. Sorry but little in internet marketing or getting website traffic free is that simple.

The answer is yes, if you optimize the free traffic. If you just put links all over the internet you will draw a large traffic count but the traffic will not be optimized and the results will be very disappointing.

I will take a chance and assume you wish to make money from your project. This may be from Affiliate Programs, AdSense or your own product. It does not matter the source you choose for making money, you need optimized targeted traffic to be successful.

Getting website traffic free that is optimized is not complicated. It does require a little planning and work but the results will amaze you. The more optimized your keywords for getting website traffic free the better your marketing results will be.

The first step is to optimize your keyword or words that you are going to build your traffic with. When doing a search put the phrase in quote marks "xxx" then do a Google search. You are looking for a phrase that returns 5,000 to 10,000. More than 10,000 and you will find it hard to get into the top 10 of a search. If less than 5,000 then there is probably little or no interest.

The second step is to create your free traffic sources using that keyword phrase.

There are a number of free traffic sources:

Article Publishing




This is only a few of the resources available for getting website traffic free.

The third step is to create your own traffic system. A mistake often made with free traffic is the quest for the best source of traffic, instead create the best traffic system.

My own traffic system is using Article Publishing, Squidoo and Blogging together as an integral system. I have gotten so involved with this system that I created "Project Squidoo." I have found this to be a very affective way of getting website traffic free and at the same time increasing the relevancy of each part through the participation of the other two parts. I guess in some ways this creates a perpetual motion traffic generator for my projects.

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For more helpful Affiliate Marketing Success [http://www.squidoo.com/affmarlens] Tips and Techniques, click here now [http://www.squidoo.com/affmarlens]! Author: Dayle Medley

Tips on How to Build a Massive Contact List

The secret to building success in your business is to have a big contact list. Here are some tips on how to start writing your contact list and also some opportunities for expanding your network.

1. Write a list about all the people you already know:

Relatives Friends Neighbors If you had a wedding then all the names on the guest list (Ex)schoolmates (Ex)teachers Co workers People saved on your cellphone People in your beauty salon/barber shop Anyone who sold you anything (clothes, shoes, cars, computer, furniture, food, drink, etc) People in the following services that you know: banker, accountant, plumber, painter, doctor, etc Your friend's friends (for example, your children's teachers, your friends neighbors, etc)

Depending on your age, there must be a minimum of 300 names on your list.

2. Email shops, stores, saloons that might be interested in your product or service

Look for shops, stores, saloons on Google and email them by introducing your service or product. The email should be no more then one and a half pages including:

a short product or service introduction that will grab the person's attention immediately (e.g., why it is unique, what would be beneficial for them, etc) your contact details a photo of the product or a relevant photo about the service (might be a company logo)

If there is no reply for about 10 days then send them another email with some new, interesting information about your product or service. The statistics shows that 15 % of the emails will be replied. Always follow up because you will never know who you will meet and what kind of new relationship you can have with that person.

3. Social Networking Websites

Start building your business online too!

Register on social networking sites and look for people who have the same interest as you do. Here is a list of some of the most famous Social Networking Websites:

Facebook MySpace Bebo Friendster hi5 Orkut PerfSpot Yahoo360 Zorpia Netlog Tagged

Add some interesting things about yourself in your profile e.g., what you like to do, your hobbies, where you've been, and talk a little bit about your business too.

Put up a few pictures too! People love to look at the photos, it makes you interesting to them!

Attract people, make them interested in you and your business!

4. Business Networking Websites

There are also business networking sites where you can contact with business professionals. Some of the main Business Networking Websites:

Ecademy LinkedIn FastPitch Xing Ryze BSN

Take advantage of these sites too by reaching more potential customers and business partners.  Build a massive, responsive list by adding people and building relationships.  Look for people who are in the same field, look up their profile, blogs, and comments. Discover new connections, opportunities, ideas and information.  Many people are looking for jobs and opportunities on these sites.  Talk about your experiences and knowledge. Also share and comment about your favorite articles with your contacts and exchange your ideas!  These sites enable an effective business network strategy!

5. Join forums

People are always curious about others comments, ideas, feelings or experiences. Write your comments, contact with other people on the forums and get involved in conversations. Start meeting people!

6. Write articles, start blogging

Be an expert in what you do, write articles about it, reviews, and make it interesting to the target audience.

You can also make your own blog and write about your business, your life, your hobby or whatever you would like. Just do it and tell people!

Squidoo Reddit Digg APSense WordPress EzineArticles

When you have a bunch of contacts then you can promote your business and invite customers to come and support your business!  Being successful in a business, reaching your goals and making your list as big as you could ever imagine needs patience and time.  Take time to network and be open, you never know who you will meet. The Universe will bring the right people to you!  There is no such thing as 'get rich quick'. It takes time to develop relationships with people and develop your own group.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Csilla Harmati helps other freelancers and self-employers make their business more successful by giving professional advice on marketing and advertisement. On her blog she shares her thoughts, opinions and her experiences that she has gained during years working as a freelancer.

Visit her website: [http://marketingchila.com/]

Online Networking For Your Coaching Business

Online networking for your coaching business is another way to gain clients. For building a successful coaching company, having and building a network is crucial, unless you want to keep sinking money in advertising, making cold calls etc. Word-of-mouth is really the best thing for your coaching business, you may have a bigger network then you think. It is not about just your your network, it is about how everyone you know can help spread the word, and provide a recommendation. Your friends, your family, your clients, your co-workers from a previous job, you may know more people looking for coaching and a coach then you think.

A host of opportunities are available to network online like Facebook and MySpace, these are more frequently used for networking socially instead of for business. However increasingly we find more and more businesses marketing themselves this way. Businesses really have their own online networking tools online. Below you will find a series of links useful for online networking for your coaching business:

* LinkedIn: Online network from professionals around the world.

* APsense: Business social network where people get paid to come together.

* Ryze: Helps people make connections and grow their business.

* Tribe: Connecting to other people to get things done (city based.)

If you want to only main one network, then LinkedIn as by far the best. It has been expanding for years already, and more and more members are joining each day. It is not only an excellent way to expand your business, it also helps you find vendors, post job advertisements etc. There are many ways to gain clients online (more about that soon), using tools for online networking for business is only of them.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

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Top 10 Ways to Use Free Advertising Online

As a business owner I am always looking for ways to use free advertising online. I have tried many things, found some worked and some didn't, some methods are a trade off; traffic for time or tons of email. Some methods get traffic, but not necessarily qualified viewers, and some can give you high quality relationships with the people who visit your site. This is a list of 10 ways to get free advertising online.

1. Traffic Exchanges: This is a purely numbers way to advertise. You look at other people's websites and they look at yours. This sounds great, but remember you are marketing to other marketers and the truth is they probably have 10 surfing sites open at the same time and don't even see your page. This is not the place for a long sales page. Short attention getting pages work best with traffic exchanges. Especially if your page has a link that open into another window so they don't have to leave their surfing to view your page.

2. Safelists: This again, is marketing to marketers. You will get a ton of email doing safelists, so you need to get a "bottomless" email account so your email doesn't start bouncing 2 hours into the process. When using safelists, offering something for free to get people to your site is the best way to go. Blatant advertising rarely works.

3. Ad Blogs: There a number of these popping up. It is a blog, like any other blog with the exception that all the posts are advertisings. You can go and post an ad for your business or service on the blog

4. Classifieds: Using FFA sites is pretty useless at this point in internet history, but if you use good ad sites and do some keyword research you can do pretty well with classifieds.

5. Toolbars: There are toolbars you can download to your browser. You put an ad in and while you surf each time you change pages the ad changes in your toolbar. Depending on the program and how much you surf this can drive a lot of traffic to your site. You also have to write an eye catching ad that will get people to take action. A free report is a great thing to advertise in toolbars instead of your opportunity. It will get people to click to your page.

6. Yahoo Groups: There's two types of yahoo groups you can use. There are purely advertising groups, where you can post your advertising. There are also topic related groups. You can join in conversation with others who have something in common with you. When you ask a question or post a reply everyone will see your email signature. This is the better of the two ways to use Yahoo in my opinion.

7. Article Marketing: This is a great way to get free advertising online. You write quality articles and post your resource box at the bottom of your article. You post it to article directories; some of which rank very highly in the search engines. You will get search engine traffic, and others have the right to republish your article in newsletters or on their websites. This can drive a lot of traffic if you get published in a big ezine or a high traffic site. Doing keyword research is an important element to being successful in article marketing.

8. Forums: Find a forum on something you enjoy, something you'd like to learn more about and converse with others who enjoy the topic as well. In forums you can use a signature which usually can include a link to your website or blog. Each time you post or answer a question everyone will see your link. If you become an active member of the community people will want to know what you are doing. They will click on your signature link.

9. Communities: Myspace, APsense, IM Peers, there are communities popping up everywhere. If you join a community and participate, become a meaningful member people will gravitate to you, and they will also want to know what you are doing. In communities you can post an entire profile which will allow you to tell your story. This is especially effective. Remember, in communities you are not marketing your products/business/services. You are marketing yourself. Keep your page free of banners, and ads, let people come to you because they want to know more about you. They will ask you what you are doing, then you can tell them.

10. Video: The newest way to get free advertising online in my arsenal. Webcams have gone mainstream. You can get a webcam for under twenty bucks. From there your options are limitless. You can make short videos about your thoughts the things you love, business ideas, how you feel about a certain topic. You can use windows movie maker (a free program) to add your contact information and website to your video. Everyone's heard of YouTube, but there are video sites popping up everywhere. Many of the new sites are more focused on specific niches. Look around and see if you can find a smaller site, in addition to uploading to youtube, that is specific to the topic of your video. Video is a great way to market yourself. People get to know you are a real person, they get to feel your energy, and see if they are a match to you and your business.

There you have it. 10 ways to get free advertising online. You can use some or even all of these tactics. Just remember some will drive lots of traffic, but it may not be targeted traffic. Try a combination of these methods. Remember though using free advertising online is a trade off, you are going to pay one way or another, either time or money. So be consistent and deliberate in your actions if you expect results.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Implementing free advertising online can be confusing. If you need help stop by my Myspace page and drop me a note. I'd be glad to help you get started. http://www.myspace.com/lovejoyabundance

Are You Looking for Customers? You Absolutely Must Do This!

Are you looking for customers? Right now if you are trying to build an income online or promoting your network marketing business, you absolutely must find ways to reach out and find new customers. Most online mlm business owners are struggling with this. Are you trying to build your online mlm business but find you are spending more money each month than you are making? Are you frustrated with promoting your business and not seeing results?

There are three current marketing trends right now that every online mlm business owner and affiliate marketer must be familiar with to be successful. If you are not promoting your business using the power of these three trends, then you are missing out on profits and customers. Everyday you see major companies like Ford and Walmart using these three techniques. Why aren't you?

I am not going to elaborate on all three current marketing trends in this article, but here they are: 1. Blogging 2. Text Messaging 3. Online Social Networking

Like I said, I am not going to go into all three current marketing trends here but any marketer, online or offline, must be aware of the power of Social Networking. I just read somewhere that Facebook.com is worth at least $23 Billion! How much of that are you getting?

As a network marketer or affiliate marketer, you must put a face on your business. I mean YOUR FACE! People buy from other people they know and trust. If you do not have a Facebook account and twitter accounts - get them now! In fact, stop reading this and go to Facebook.com and twitter.com and create your accounts now, then come back.

It doesn't stop with just Facebook and Twitter. If you have a specific product or service that serves a certain group of people, you need to seek out those people that will eventually become your customers. Search out other social networking sites and create accounts with them. Then once you have created your profile, join groups within the social network site that cater to the type of people who would be interested in your product or service. Reach out to those people and get to know them. DO NOT TRY TO SELL TO THEM! At least not at first. Get to know them first. Later after you have built some rapport, maybe you can help them with a problem or concern they are having in their life. Possibly a problem that your product solves. Then they are ready to buy, not be sold something.

There are many social networks out there. One social network I found recently is Apsense. Since my product and services are geared toward helping network marketers build their business, I build relationships with other marketers like myself. Using social networks, I have gotten to know many people around the world and that's exciting! With the power of the internet, you can make dozens and dozens of new friends right from home and build your business at the same time. If you are looking for customers, you absolutely must do this!

Have fun!

To Your Success,

John Houck


Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

John Houck the sales/marketing manager for Build It Huge. Would you like more recruits, more customers, and more profits? Build It Huge has several simple, low cost and FREE marketing programs to increase your business almost overnight. Find out how at http://buildithuge.com or by email john@buildithuge.com

Sunday 9 September 2012

Online Social Networking And Your Business

Online social networking has become immensely popular in the recent years, and numerous people are using these sites as an avenue for business marketing. But using online social networking to market your business may backfire. Recently MySpace (a popular social networking site) has gotten a lot of negative attention from the general public due to instances of sexual predators taking advantage of the site.

So how do you make it work for your business? How do you determine which sites to include in your marketing campaign, how to go about it, and what returns to expect? Here are a few things you might want to keep in view.

1. Determine which market type you want to target. Are you marketing to professionals, or to students? You need to be clear of your target market, as well as keep in mind that not all social networking sites are suitable for professionals, and not all sites are suitable for students. For professional networking, sites like LinkedIn and Apsense are great places to start. These sites have specific groups with specific business natures or interests that might be directly related to your product or service.

Sites like Ablewise.com Free Classifieds and Adlandpro.com, which although are not mainstream social networking sites, nonetheless have developing "communities" which are great for networking. It is even easier to market your business in sites like these because these communities are essentially about businesses.

2. It is important to setup your profile as soon as possible, after joining the site. Add a photo of yourself. Provide as many details as possible. The more details provided, the more people will be inclined to trust you. Ensure that a link to your site is provided, and that you tell others what is the nature of your business. Establish a positive reputation and credibility. Get others to trust in your service or product.

3. It is not only important, but necessary as well, to understand how each social networking site function. Promote yourself first as an individual, then your business. Make friends with as many people as possible. Many of these sites are based on individuals, not companies. Blatant marketing or "hard selling" will not work. A "soft sell" approach has to be taken.

Your eventual goal should be to establish your brand and online presence, and to build back-links from popular sites. Write articles and post them on your blog(s) in these sites. This will create awareness and back-links for your products and services as well as make a contribution to these sites. By contributing to these sites, you are not only building value for them, you are building value for you.

4. Continue looking for new avenues to market your products or services. One popular social networking site might have tremendous traffic; but not everyone visits that particular site. There are currently many social networking sites, and these sites all cater to a multitude of interests, topics and natures. Pick a few that are closest in relation to your business.

The ways to promote yourself and your business on social networking sites are unlimited. Just be sure to understand the rules and what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Take special care to avoid spamming, as well as blatant sales pitches that might drive away your target audience.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Dean currently works in an IT firm, and writes short articles when the bug bites him.

What's Best For You Is What Matters

I think we all miss something when marketing business opportunities and that is the important fact that everything is not for everybody.

You may feel, actually, you should feel that your business opportunity is the best one available, that's why you got involved, but what is never said is that your business opportunity isn't really the best one available, it's the best one available for you.

Every product cannot be the best, every compensation plan cannot be the best, every company can not be the best. None of them are the best business opportunity overall.

I'm not talking about Add-Ons, businesses that we add on to our primary business, normally offering marketing services, like APSense for example, I'm talking about that one company that you just love, the one that is going to make you wealthy, the one you just can't understand why everyone doesn't see what you see, that it is without a doubt the best opportunity on the planet and everyone should be joining right now.

One unfortunate aspect of marketing business opportunities online is that people jump from one to another, they don't really care what the company is all about, they don't care about the product and don't really even care to understand the compensation plan, someone said it was the best, they signed up, if they don't make any money in a very short period of time they are off to the next "best" opportunity. They have no reason to stay since they had no real reason to sign up to begin with, they just did because someone told them to.

That makes no sense at all in the real world of business, but I'm no hypocrite, I've done it, I've been through phases over the past 11 years where I have jumped around like a newbie with a gold card.

What I failed to realize then and what many of us still fail to realize when we are marketing or when we are being marketed to is that no business is for everyone.

A compensation plan that's great for you may not appeal to me, a product that you think is incredible and amazing may just bore me to death and there are many other aspects to any business opportunity that may or may not appeal to someone.

It is your job as a marketer to make me see things your way, same with any commercial on TV or any salesperson, however, what people seem to forget is that they need to convince me why it's a great opportunity for me, not why it's a great opportunity to them. The trick is to find out what's important to me, this was easier when Network Marketing was done offline, but with social networking so popular now, we are getting back a little bit of the personal touch that was lost when the Internet came along.

I've made this mistake, rambled on and on about a compensation plan that I knew was a real winner to someone who had no interest at all in compensation plans, I still don't get that but that doesn't matter, what matters is what's important to your prospect.

This all comes down to what I was saying at the beginning, your opportunity is right for you, mine is right for me, none are right for everyone. When marketing, explain why you feel your opportunity is so wonderful, market to those that are already interested in your opportunity or at least your type of product, market to those in the competition or those checking out the competition. Always keeping in mind that if I hate matrix plans, you aren't going to sign me up into your company that uses a matrix plan no matter what you say and it's ok, it doesn't mean anything except your business is not right for me.

Even more important than the marketer side, is the side of the person being marketed to, if you are in the market for a business, you really should know what fits you best. What type of payplan works best for you, what price point are you comfortable paying and promoting, what product gets you excited, do you like start-ups or established companies and do you feel passionate about the business opportunity overall, if you don't, if you are thinking about signing up because someone promised you riches overnight, spillover, money for nothing, a cure for every illness known to man, then you should stop yourself and say, "is this right for me?".

If you don't do that, then you are just chasing money and you will always be chasing money because you will never find the business that fits you best because you simply don't know or don't care what business that is.

If you are thinking, "I don't really care, I just want to make money", I can tell you from experience that unless you get really lucky, you better start caring or you never will make the kind of money you have in mind.

Learn compensation plans.

Learn the product categories for our industry.

Decide what price point is comfortable for you to get started.

Decide what price point is comfortable for you on a monthly basis, if at all.

Decide on if you want to get involved in a start up or an established company.

Decide if you want to focus on marketing tools and services (add-on businesses) or if you want to focus on one primary company.

Understand how you will need to market a particular company, I turned down a very well know, successful company that had a lot to offer, great products and compensation along with a solid track record because I realized that I would have to market it offline to be successful and that just wasn't for me. They were teaching home parties and stuff, it was like being stuck in 1995, but that works for them, it would not have worked for me.

So, what is your skill? Phone? Writing? Face to Face? Videos? Social Networks? It will take you some time to know your skill, but once you do, you will then be able to see if the way you market best fits with the way the company you are checking out needs to be marketed.

Taking your business to another level, taking it seriously, means finding the business that's best for you, not the one that's the hottest of the month, not the one everyone has jumped on this week, not the one that leader is pushing or your buddy just got into, the one that is best for you, because at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

Wishing You Amazing Success,

Jim Vigilante

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Jim Vigilante is a professional internet network marketer and home business consultant. You can find marketing resources, newsletter and blog at http://www.jimvigilante.com

Article Marketing And You

Article marketing is an easy and fast way to attract new visitors. It is the method by which anyone can tap into a desired, specialized target market. Classified as a viral marketing method, hundreds or even thousands of Internet users can follow the references or links included in a single article, back to the desired website.

This method of marketing is very cost effective in that it can be totally free. It does not cost you anything to write your own article. After writing the article, submitting the article to free article directories cost nothing as well. Investing just a little time writing and submitting an article which could result in an unlimited amount of visitors to your site is definitely worth it.

Besides being an easy and fast (not forgetting free) way of marketing, article marketing has numerous other benefits as well; it improves your search engine ranking. Search engines assigns website page rankings by determining the number of back-links to a website. Every article that you write, and which includes a link to your website, creates a back-link. Every article directory that you submit your article to creates another back-link. Once you have a number of articles live on the Internet, back-links from these articles will definitely increase traffic to your website. Last, but not least, you can gain credibility. You can establish yourself in your chosen niche by providing articles which are of good language, informative and interesting.

Some tips if you are new to article marketing; before submitting your article to directories, edit, edit and re-edit your work. Make sure you have corrected all grammatical errors. Ensure that the flow of the article is correct. You will only want to gain a reputation for providing quality articles, not otherwise. Check back on your articles from time to time and ensure that you have a substantial number of articles live at all times. This will ensure that you always have a certain number of back-links to your website.

Finally, having just one avenue of marketing is never enough. Get involved in business-specialized communities (e.g. Apsense.com). You are able to promote your articles there too. Post classified ads with popular sites like Ablewise.com, which provide free ad services.

Visit http://www.BMOI.co.uk for an amazing listbuilding opportunity

Dean currently works in an IT firm, and writes short articles for leisure.