Thursday 12 January 2012

Why Do I Need A Social Media Manager

Feeling like your business is left out of the coffee shop gossip? Ever wondered how you're reminded of other niche businesses you may be interested in through Facebook all the time - and wanted that kind of awareness for yourself and your business? Cottoned onto the word of mouth, referrals, and publicity spreading through social media, and wondered if that could work for you?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, then a Social Media Manager may be just what you need. At a Basic Level you may wish to stay in control of publicity yourself, in which case a social media manager may perform like your Virtual Assistant, and simply tidy and filter your inbox allowing you to focus on your business. She may also collate and prepare ideas that are following the trends ready for you to broadcast yourself upon a little bit of advice.

A the next level, automate and randomize status feeds, and replies representative of your voice, and at the highest level, interact, produce content, grow your targeted network and filter prospects.

Social Networking DOES require a degree that you can be social, but if you want someone else to manage that for you and bring genuine interest to your branding personality, a good Social Media Manager will coach your self representation to the crowd to optimize your (ROReturn on Investment)I. Social interation is not for everybody, and if that's the case it can be best left to JR. There are some ingredient checks to performing successfully to sell without trying to sell:

Your brand has to be 'interesting' People have to feel personally connected You must appear to respond to everything, but at the same time socialise wisely to develop lists of prospects, and those that are just consuming your time.

Your Social Media Manager should network according to your niche or where your customers are spending their social time online. Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Foursquare, ASmallWorld, ProductionHub, MySetLife, and Ping are notable ones, especially for the film industry. At a higher level your social media manager can also generate your own social network through Ning, Buddypress, or your iPhone. Yes, iPhone and Android applications are becoming really popular within the film and media industry for the entertainment behavioural demography sometimes its easier to target your crowd through there.

Juliana manages online presence. From managing social media accounts, online advertising, through to generating publicity and article spin, she'll diagnose an online problem that is holding clients back from potential business, and take appropriate remedial action to mitigate any uncomfortable information.

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