Wednesday 11 January 2012

The Task of Being a Social Media Manager

More and more people are becoming interested in the role of a social media manager. They play an important and critical role in social media marketing.

The term hectic is an understatement when referring to a person with this type of job. What they do to keep your social media presence alive, is up to them. Being brainy is not enough. Proper knowledge, training, capabilities and other character traits must be taken into consideration. If you are a business owner, you must want an effective social media manager.

Knowing that they tweet a lot, open multiple Facebook accounts and chat a lot would really give you an idea that being a social media manager is really easy; however being one is not just pure game. Creativity must be combined with critical thinking. This job involves a demanding schedule. In the morning, even if the sun isn't up he/she starts to check emails accumulated in the last few hours after sleeping. Why is that so? It is because this kind of business never sleeps. It does not rest and never takes a break. Next thing they do is to scan for new articles, blogs or posts that are interesting to share. Another thing is to tweet, post blogs, articles or videos related to your business, to keep the flow going. The idea is to schedule when they will go out or be posted. Relying on the latest news, they are also responsible in publishing entries or updates, sharing them with other people including friends and work mates. They are also following up customer testimonials from sales teams, painstakingly answering questions and replying to comments and messages.

Who says uploading videos is only for entertainment?

One of the tasks a social media manager does is to record and upload videos on the internet regarding their line of business, CEO, managers and even employees. After this, they're likely to come up with new blogs and articles to post or tweet. Revisiting websites is also a must and should be done as many times as they can within a single day.

During weekly reports, they provide a simple know how in relation to its importance. They are the ones who enlist on summits related to their scope of work. Some even check their mobiles even before going to sleep just to make sure that all things are going smoothly.

Being a social media manager is not easy. One has to be attentive, adaptable, purpose-driven and influential in order to be effective. A good manager means a good internet strategy. Employing one is to your advantage.

Glen Wright has been dealing with social media and he can direct you to what you exactly need. If you would like to learn some more information about being a social media manager, go to this website

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