Tuesday 30 October 2012

Useful Marketing Pinterest Tools

Marketing analysts saw greater opportunities on the new social site called Pinterest. With more than 10.4 million users, 88.3 minutes spending time and 2 to 3 times more engaging compared to other sites, Pinterest is indeed an emerging powerful social media.

Besides sharing photos and videos, Pinterest can also tell the story of a business or brand and share more information through interacting and repinning. However, to fully experience the marketing advantages of Pinterest, managing any account or page must be done on a daily basis.

The pinboard owner must be observant and analyze how customers can interact with the content especially when it's about business. Good thing there are various Pinterest tools available to ensure that a business' Pinterest account will be influential, effective and updated regularly. Below are a few useful tools.


Pinerly is the easiest way to increase exposure. Though currently in a beta testing stage and can only be accessed by invitation, it is helpful in many ways. It can follow pinners by helping a user find and follow pinners that have similar interests as them. It can also unfollow a group of pinners.

In addition, it helps users view popular pins and get inspired by those pins. It can also help schedule pins by timing posts keeping the followers interested and updated regularly. Lastly, it can help a user know and understand how effective and influential the site is.


One of the best Pinterest tools is PinPuff. This is a new site that is designed to accurately measure the influence and reach of a certain Pinterest account. It also helps users to track pinning activities regularly and suggest tips to get a maximum advantage of Pinterest. Moreover, it helps businesses by analyzing, creating and managing marketing-related activities. Lastly, PinPuff is completely free.


PinReach, formerly PinClout is a fresh new analytics tool that measures the impact and pinning activity. It uses a so-called PinReach score or a numeric representation of the influence and impact of a Pinterest account.


Url2pin is a free tool that helps share various websites on Pinterest. It can share a website's screenshot that uploads to the Pinterest account.

Browser Extensions

To easily update a Pinterest account, Google Chrome has an extension called Pint It! that allows pinning posts using the shortcut. Another extension is from FireFox. It has a so-called Quick Pinterest used for easier pinning. Moreover, there is an application for an even quicker way to pin called "Easypinner" for Pinterest.

Apple App

With the demands of updating social network sites while on the go, a Pinterest app on iPhone and iPad is available. It allows users to like, re-pin and pin photos or videos anywhere.

The above Pinterest tools are only a few of the things one can use to achieve an influential Pinterest account. However, there are other essential elements that need to be considered. Apart from the tools, users should also post good content that customers, followers and random users will be interested in. Remember the more interaction a site gets the more influence it can obtain.

Langdon Trask writes about search, social media, technology, and marketing trends for SEO Los Angeles. If you would like to place a request for additional unique articles from Langdon for your site or blog, you can get articles here.

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